Friday, 17 May

‘Comedy isn’t fooling anymore, it’s business now’ – Dennis Boateng on destigmatising comedy

Dennis Boateng, CEO of Ghana Comedy Awards

Dennis Boateng has noted the comic community is “still in the process” of destigmatising comedy, which is regrettably seen by some people as fooling.

He bemoaned society's “in-built” attitude of “looking down” on some professions including comedy and previously football.

There once were public notions like: “You didn’t do well for yourself so you’re playing football. Why should your son play football?” he cited.

In sharp contrast, nowadays, however, “our parents are eager to look for teams for their children,” he added. “It’s a prayer point now.”

“And that’s how far the sports have come, and how even further comedy should go,” he projected.

The CEO of the Ghana Comedy Awards, he emphasised comedy “is business now”.

“If you can make somebody laugh, you have something which can be polished to make you a bigger person,” he encouraged.

“The perception has to change,” he admonished, arguing comedy is not, “excuse my language, fooling anymore. They are rather entertaining and giving us much-needed relief”.

The writer and entrepreneur underlined the Ghana comic scene has educated and honourably employed professionals like architects, and doctors, among others.

He touted comedy as a source of “healing,” and comedians as “doctors of the heart” who administer “medicine for depression”.

Futhermore, Boateng called Parrot Mouth “a big boy” who drives “a very big car,” to show comedians are in fact successful and responsible individuals.

“Don’t look down on what he’s doing. He’s doing an amazing job, he’s making something good out of nothing, he’s putting smiles on people’s faces, and you should be so proud of him,” he praised.

He congratulated ID James Brown on his recent performance in Germany.

“You know the German language is different from ours and it’s heavy but he was able to use the English that he has [in addition] to [other bits of his set] and the people laughed from the first joke to the last,” he pointed out.

He had commendation for OB Amponsah and Lekzy De Comic also, of whom, he said, comic excellence was guaranteed on all their international engagements in “America, UK, etc, blowing people’s minds”.

“They go to South Africa and other different places and it’s selling. It should tell you we have very strong potential,” he noted.

Conceding there are bigger venues to attempt, he expressed gladness Ghanaian comic talents are demonstrating tenacity and massive potential against all the odds of language barriers and sponsorship challenges.

In the spirit of discovering and fostering comic talent, Dennis Boateng revealed his team’s vision “to reach out to tertiary institutions and high schools”.

He fondly brought up ‘The Kings of Comedy’ show stopping at Ho Technical University, Ho, Volta Region, with Lekzy De Comic, OB Amponsah, Clemento Suarez, and others performing, and how students of the school put up impressive performances “as curtain raisers”.

“The guys were good,” he stressed. “One of them even got the opportunity to be nominated for Student Comedian of the Year. One-side is what he calls himself.”

Engaging schools helps grassroots comic talents “learn the craft and build on what they have to make it better,” he highlighted.

The 2024 Ghana Comedy Awards honoured comic acts in 21 competitive categories, apart from honourary accolades. Formerly, Comedy & Poetry Awards (COPO), it took place on April 20, 2024. 

Source: Benjamin